Thursday, September 29, 2016

What is the Vespers War?

In 1991, a KGB Alpha Team stormed the Russian Parliament, killing President Boris Yeltsin and paving the way for Communist Party hardliners to re-take control of the Soviet Union. This led to an escalation of conflicts resulting in a late-1990s nuclear war, the Twilight War.

Of course, this didn't happen in our world, but it's the alternate history for the second edition of Twilight: 2000, a game published by GDW (and still available from Far Future Enterprises). The game, in its various iterations, covered quite a bit of late 20th-century military technology, and some prototypes that, as of 2016, have not seen service.

The interest of this blog is to look earlier in history. Much like Vespers are said before the Twilight arrives, the Twilight War was not the first technological war, and while others have looked at providing statistics for Second World War technology in the House Rules system, to the best of my knowledge, nobody has addressed the First World War, the Vespers War that introduced tanks, airplanes, and poison gas to the world and began the long, slow decline to madness that was the Twentieth Century.

My goal is to provide information on the various vehicles that were used during the First World War and possibly the Interwar Period, along with game statistics allowing people using the GDW rules to play with these vehicles in their games.

1 comment:

  1. An interesting idea regarding vespers before twilight and obviously very apt for your task. There have been a few items of WW1 technology written up for the Twilight: 2000 2nd/2.2 edition rules but nothing as far as I am aware, in a unified approach such as yours.

    Some Norwegian T2k gamers have The Big Book Of War website that has their stats for many items of gear including several WW1 items. However their approach is more "if it's interesting, lets make some game stats for it" rather than identifying an era and providing stats for the equipment of that era.

    The site can be found here

    Best wishes for your blog, the Second World War gets minor coverage in the T2k system and the First World War gets much less, your blog will illuminate an area most have no knowledge of when compared to all the "modern marvels" and high-tech gear many gamers focus on.
