Friday, December 14, 2018

Japanese Small Arms of WW1

For people who are interested in the weapons of World War 1, one of the best pop culture sources I've found is C&Rsenal's YouTube channel, where they discuss the history of the weapon and test it on range. Watching through the series has led me to stat up the weapons they've discussed, along with a few that get mentioned as being relevant but that haven't had episodes shot yet. Below the break are the Japanese weapons of the First World War. Please note that these use Fire, Fusion & Steel calculations for Pen, rather than my revised penetration calculations.

Type Name Caliber Wt. Mag ROF Dam Pen Blk SS Brst Rng
Handgun Type 26 Revolver 9mm Japanese .88 kg 6R DAO 2 1-Nil 2 4 N/A 20
Handgun Nambu Type A Modified 8x22mm Nambu .90 kg 8 SA 2 Nil 2 4 N/A 18
Rifle Arisaka Type 30 6.5x50mm Arisaka 3.95 kg 5c(5) BA 4 2-Nil 9 4 N/A 121
Rifle Type 38 6.5x50mm Arisaka 4.19 kg 5c(5) BA 4 2-Nil 9 4 N/A 121
Rifle Type 38 Carbine 6.5x50mm Arisaka 3.30 kg 5c(5) BA 3 2-Nil 6 3 N/A 70
Rifle Type 44 Carbine 6.5x50mm Arisaka 3.97 kg 5c(5) BA 3 2-Nil 6 3 N/A 70

All of the rifles feed from stripper clips. The type 44 carbine has an integral bayonet that folds under the barrel.

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